Volume in drive A is RJL-4006J Directory of A:\ L4006_01 MID 22,899 06-30-94 0:00 Mickey Mouse March (from 'Mickey Mouse Club') L4006_02 MID 22,538 06-30-94 0:00 Linus And Lucy (from 'A Boy Named Charlie Brown') L4006_03 MID 28,588 06-30-94 0:00 Sunny Day (from 'Sesame Street') L4006_04 MID 13,967 06-30-94 0:00 When You Wish Upon A Star (from 'Pinocchio') L4006_05 MID 54,284 06-30-94 0:00 Under the Sea (from 'The Little Mermaid') L4006_06 MID 54,435 06-30-94 0:00 The Bare Necessities (from Jungle Book) L4006_07 MID 17,823 06-30-94 0:00 It's a smalle World L4006_08 MID 21,537 06-30-94 0:00 I'm Popeye The Sailorman (from 'Popeye') L4006_09 MID 38,322 06-30-94 0:00 A Whole New World (from 'Aladdin') L4006_10 MID 60,499 06-30-94 0:00 Main Street Electrical Parade 10 file(s) 334,892 bytes 0 dir(s) 388,096 bytes free