Path:!faqserv From: (Russ Hersch) Newsgroups:,comp.robotics,comp.realtime,comp.lang.forth,sci.electronics,comp.answers,sci.answers,news.answers Subject: 8051 microcontroller FAQ Supersedes: Followup-To: poster Date: 30 Mar 1995 22:41:24 GMT Organization: none Lines: 2382 Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU Expires: 14 May 1995 22:39:04 GMT Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: This article is a collection of information sources on the Intel 8051 family of microcontrollers (and variants). X-Last-Updated: 1995/03/30 Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU Xref: comp.robotics:19276 comp.realtime:9264 comp.lang.forth:20843 sci.electronics:125293 comp.answers:10945 sci.answers:2390 news.answers:41002 Archive-name: microcontroller-faq/8051 Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: Mar. 30, 1995 This article is a collection of information sources on the Intel 8051 family of microcontrollers (and variants). The following topics are addressed: 0) Rantings and ravings (to make the FAQ zero-based) 1) ABOUT THIS FAQ 1.1) Who put this FAQ together? 1.2) How can I contribute to this FAQ? 1.3) What newsgroups will this FAQ be posted to? 1.4) May I distribute this FAQ or post it somewhere else? 1.5) How about FAQs on other microcontrollers? 2) ABOUT THE 8051 2.1) The 8051 microcontroller 2.2) 8051 Flavors 2.3) 8051 representatives and approximate prices 2.4) Advantages realized in implementing control applications on this family of microcontrollers 3) SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON THE 8051 3.1) FTP sites 3.2) BBSs 3.3) Help available! 4) 8051 PRODUCTS 4.1) Free languages and development tools 4.2) Free C compilers 4.3) Commercially available products 5) 8051 DOCUMENTATION 5.1) Periodicals 5.2) Books 5.3) Miscellaneous documentation 0) Rantings and ravings Disclaimer: Just so it is understood, the "rantings and ravings" are my rantings and raving. My readers are refined and sophisticated and would never rant or rave. I, on the other hand, sit in front of the TV in torn underwear and drink beer out of the bottle. This is the one year anniversary edition of this FAQ. I just happen to run across my original file in a forgotten corner of my hard disk and I noticed it had a March date on it. Hard to believe, but it was only 5K! My sincerest apologies to anyone that wrote to me, and didn't get a reply. I was inundated this time, and I'm afraid that I wasn't too careful in keeping track of my email. Also, some of those I did respond to didn't hear from me because their email addresses were invalid (or, at least my system thinks so). So, if you feel neglected, or you submitted some information that didn't make it into this month's update, please drop me a note and let me know. A thousand pardons! Well, the verdict is in. No, I'm not talking about OJ - I'm talking about one-part FAQs versus multi-part. The response has been nearly unanimous to keep the FAQs in one piece. So, one piece it is. Thanks to Hans Schou who is adding his name to the "help available" list. Although not an expert, he has experience with the Standard Microsystems Corp COM20051 integrated microcontroller and network interface. Philips Semiconductor / CEIBO DS750 Devolopment Tools A good way to learn about 8051 programming, this kit is based on the 8xc7xx series which are very low-end, inexpensive micros. They are offered with less memory (1k, 2k, etc.) and fewer features. In fact the 83c750 sells for only $1 in very high OEM volumes. The kit includes a DS750 board, source level debugger, and utilities. Both DOS and Windows versions of the software are included on the diskette, and installation is a snap. I don't understand why, but no assembler is included! A number of assemblers and C compilers are compatible with (or adaptable to) the source level debugger, including: Keil/Franklin, IAR, and Micro Computer Control. If you're on a budget, the Micro Computer Control package is only $100 - the prices of the other packages are a bit more creative :-). Philips also has the MetaLink assembler available for free on their BBS. Besides being a very nice platform for testing your code real-time, the enclosed manual makes this package really worthwhile. In addition to the obligatory startup and operation information, the book includes schematics and theory of the board's operation. Five experiments guide the user on understanding the workings and capabilities of the 8051 family. Priced at only $100, a truckload of these have already been sold, and for good reason. If you're interested in learning how to use an 8051, you can't go wrong by buying this kit. Thanks to Carl Giles for the following information. He fills us in on a chip that can make almost any 8051 variant do what the Dallas DS5000 does: Xicor has some interesting chips that wire up directly to an 8051 (they have similar chips for the 68HC11 flavor.) They need no glue logic, and they contain: 8K x 8 EEPROM in individual 4K segments 2 8-BIT I/O ports 16 8-BIT RAM registers Integrated Interrupt Controller Module Internal programmable address decoding Code loaded at the factory that will allow users to download programs into EEPROM (one 4K segment can be written to while the processor executes out of the other 4K segment), and test the program, rewrite, and retest until development is finished. 2 These are referred to as SLIC E Microperipherals. If you program the SLIC for a different address, multiple SLICs may be gluelessly wired to a single 8031, 32, 51, 52. One of the ports can be programmed to latch out the lower address bits so that standard byte-wide peripherals may be used without further decoding! These are neat chips! Xicor sells a Development Support package that includes a DATA BOOK, a SAMPLE of the CHIP (PDIP or PLCC, your choice) and PC compatible software for downloading and testing your programs. The development package is $15 from Xicor in Milpitas CA. The development system is a lot more, $180 for the populated board. I got in touch with some distributors, to get small QTY. pricing, and there wasn't any. If you ordered at least 40 parts, they could get them for around $12.50. I think I would just get extra kits ($15 @ QTY. 1) and bypass the distributors at that price. The SLIC with the ports comes in a 48 pin PDIP or a 44 pin PLCC. Xicor also offers a memory only solution (which should be cheaper) in a 24 pin PDIP, but the SLIC EEPROM Development Support package doesn't come with the portless 24 pin chip. Take care, Uncle Russ 1) ABOUT THIS FAQ 1.1) Who put this FAQ together? I was prompted to put this FAQ together in response to my own frustration in searching for information, and to the constant occurrence of requests for information on this subject in various newsgroups. Hopefully others won't need to go through what I did. Normally, I spend all day programming in assembler on an IBM PC. With my hobbyist hat on I decided to try my hand at a little microcontroller project design. When it came time to start, I had no idea what to do. I had nothing to start with - no assembler, no programming language, no simulator. I cobbled together a simulator to help me learn about the workings of the chip. It's not being made available to the public since I'm afraid the simulator isn't very good. It was for my own use, so the user interface (there is none) really sucks eggs. I decided to search the net for information on the 8051. This list was compiled the hard way, logging onto every anonymous ftp site I could find and looking around. I also used Archie, other FAQs and lists, and every reference to the 8051 that appeared in the various news groups. It took a long time till stuff finally started popping up. I saved all of my notes and the result was the first version of this FAQ. Responses have been poured in, and the result is a much more complete and thorough FAQ. 1.2) How can I contribute to this list? I please ask that if you have any suggestions or additions, or you would like to correct any of the information contained herein, please send me a note. My Email address is: My Snail-Mail address is: Russ Hersch HaVradim 11 Ginot Shomron ISRAEL The list of individuals who have sent suggestions and encouragement has finally overflowed. I hope it suffices to say "Thank you to all who have contributed to this FAQ - we all appreciate it." Special thanks to: Carl Wall Dave Dunfield (Dunfield Development Systems) Olaf Pfeiffer (Hitex) Dave Heller Kevin Gardner (Philips Semiconductor) Victor Weiman (CEIBO) Clyde Smith-Stubbs (Hi-Tech Software) Bo Frederiksen Hans Schou Ahmad Ibrahim Carl Giles Ken Tindall (IAR) I hope that those of you who know of interesting items for the 8051 will share with everyone by contributing to this list. A good amount of stuff is turning up thanks to everyone's help. If you are a manufacturer and have an anonymous ftp site or BBS available that supports the 8051, please let me know by EMail so that I can add it to this FAQ. Also, please feel free to update me on new products. 1.3) What newsgroups will this FAQ be posted to? This FAQ will be posted to the following newsgroups: comp.realtime comp.robotics comp.lang.forth sci.electronics These newsgroups often contain discussions, announcements, or information on the 8051. Check them out from time to time. The schedule for posting will be once a month. I can't promise that it will be on time, but I hope to post it on the 26th of each month. You might also want to check out the following newsgroups, since they occasionally have items of interest for you 8051 fans. comp.lang.misc alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt A bit farther afield, but still of possible interest: comp.dsp sci.engr.control sci.engr.semiconductors 1.4) May I post this FAQ to my local BBS? I am putting no restrictions on the use of this FAQ except - It must be distributed in its entirety with the copyright notice, and no financial gain may be realized from it. After all, I have spent, and continue to spend, a lot of time on this. The only thing that I intend to gain from it is more information on the 8051, and getting to know my fellow 8051 groupies better. For this reason I have appended a copyright statement to the end of this FAQ. I feel pretty silly doing this, but I just want to protect myself. The copyright does not limit the use of this list for noncommercial purposes. I hereby give my permission to one and all to pass this list around and post it wherever you want - as long as it is not for financial gain. Thank you. 1.5) How about FAQs on other microcontrollers? If anyone wishes to start a FAQ on another microcontroller, please feel free to copy the format of this FAQ - I don't intend on copyrighting the look and feel ;-). With a common format, we will all benefit when trying to find information on a particular microcontroller. Other Microcontroller FAQs Subject: PIC microcontrollers Newsgroups: comp.realtime comp.robotics sci.electronics Maintainer: Tom Kellett Subject: 68hc11 microcontrollers Newsgroups: comp.realtime comp.robotics sci.electronics Archive: : /pub/usenet/comp.answers/microcontroller-faq/68hc11 /pub/usenet/sci.answers/microcontroller-faq/68hc11 /pub/usenet/news.answers/microcontroller-faq/68hc11 Maintainer: Russ Hersch Email: Subject: Microcontroller primer and FAQ Newsgroups: comp.realtime comp.robotics sci.electronics alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt Archive: : /pub/usenet/comp.answers/microcontroller-faq/primer /pub/usenet/sci.answers/microcontroller-faq/primer /pub/usenet/news.answers/microcontroller-faq/primer Maintainer: Russ Hersch Email: Additional FAQs of interest Subject: Robotics Newsgroups: comp.robotics Maintainer: Kevin Dowling (412)268-8830 Email: Smail: Carnegie Mellon University The Robotics Institute Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Subject: Electronics Newsgroups: sci.electronics Comments: There are a number of FAQs available in this newsgroup on various subjects. Among some of the subjects covered are: LCDs, stepper motors, etc. FAQ subject: Real-time Newsgroups: comp.realtime, comp.answers, news.answers Archive: : pub/usenet/comp.realtime Maintainer: Mark Linimon Lonesome Dove Computing Services Roanoke, Virginia Email: Subject: Motorola 68K microprocessor line Newsgroups: comp.sys.m68k Archive: : pub/motorola/general : /pub/misc/motorola/faq file name of archive is m68kfaq?.zip (? is version) Maintainer: Robert Boys - Ontario, Canada Email: or For more detailed information on various 8051 microcontroller parts, see the article posted to comp.robotics and sci.electronics which provides a tabular cross reference of features and pin counts on a wide range of microcontrollers (including the 8051 family). This list was compiled and is being maintained by Roger Nelson . For more information on various microcontrollers and their features, refer to the Microcontroller primer and FAQ listed above. 2) ABOUT THE 8051 2.1) The 8051 microcontroller The 8051 is an 8 bit microcontroller originally developed by Intel in 1980. It is the world's most popular microcontroller core, made by many independent manufacturers (truly multi-sourced). There were 126 million 8051s (and variants) shipped in 1993!! A typical 8051 contains: - CPU with boolean processor - 5 or 6 interrupts: 2 are external 2 priority levels - 2 or 3 16-bit timer/counters - programmable full-duplex serial port (baud rate provided by one of the timers) - 32 I/O lines (four 8-bit ports) - RAM - ROM/EPROM in some models The 8051 architecture is a tad bizarre, but then so are the architectures of most microcontrollers due to their specialization (check out the PIC for creativity). One vexing problem with the 8051 is its very non-orthogonal instruction set - especially the restrictions on accessing the different address spaces. However, after some time programming the chip, you can get used to it - maybe even appreciate it. One strong point of the 8051 is the way it handles interrupts. Vectoring to fixed 8-byte areas is convenient and efficient. Most interrupt routines are very short (or at least they should be), and generally can fit into the 8-byte area. Of course if your interrupt routine is longer, you can still jump to the appropriate routine from within the 8 byte interrupt region. The 8051 instruction set is optimized for the one-bit operations so often desired in real-world, real-time control applications. The boolean processor provides direct support for bit manipulation. This leads to more efficient programs that need to deal with binary input and output conditions inherent in digital-control problems. Bit addressing can be used for test pin monitoring or program control flags. 2.2) 8051 Flavors The 8051 has the widest range of variants of any embedded controller on the market. The smallest device is the Atmel 89c1051, a 20 Pin FLASH variant with 2 timers, UART, 20mA. The fastest parts are from Dallas, with performance close to 10 MIPS! The most powerful chip is the Siemens 80C517A, with 32 Bit ALU, 2 UARTS, 2K RAM, PLCC84 package, 8 x 16 Bit PWMs, and other features. Among the major manufacturers are: AMD Enhanced 8051 parts Atmel FLASH and semi-custom parts Dallas Battery backed, program download, and fastest variants Intel 8051 through 80c51gb / 80c51sl Matra 80c154, low voltage static variants OKI 80c154, mask parts Philips 87c748 thru 89c588 - more variants than anyone else Siemens 80c501 through 80c517a, and SIECO cores SSI 80x52, 2 x HDLC variant for MODEM use Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) AMD has a number of enhanced variants including such features as: dual data pointers, slave interface with arbitration unit, dual port RAM, FIFO buffers, and others. Atmel The smallest current device is the ATMEL 89c1051, a 20 Pin FLASH variant with 2 timers, UART, 20mA. ATMEL was the first with standard pinout FLASH, and with more program cycles than other custom pinout FLASH. These parts compete with OTP and MASK product on price, but eliminate inventory problems and the hidden costs of OTP development. This will put real pressure on "vanilla" micros like PIC and ST6. Dallas Soft Microcontrollers - DS5000(T), DS5001(T), DS2250(T) The Dallas Soft Microcontrollers have standard 8051 cores with on-chip non-volatile RAM instead of ROM. This gives the user the ability to easily alter the system and is perfect for data logging. These processors are available in both chip and module solutions. Among the features included in this family of products: - on-chip non-volatile RAM - loader in ROM for downloading programs (eliminates the hassle of EPROM erase/program/install cycle) - built in real time clock option - watchdog timer - software security (program and data encryption) The DS500x is a standard 40 pin DIP package (well, mostly standard, it is really a BOX which is about double the height of a normal chip). The DS225x is a SIP version which is functionally identical to the DS5000 but usually a bit less expensive. The nice thing about having the RAM on-chip, is that the I/O ports are unaffected. When the RAM is configured as CODE memory, the DS5000 behaves exactly as a single-chip 8051. The NV-RAM is static with a built-in lithium battery, and has no limitations on the number of writes. You can download your code as many times as you like without damaging the device. The DS5000 also includes a loader in ROM, which permits you to bootstrap code into the RAM to get underway. The loader and on-chip RAM have an encryption feature with which you can protect your code from being read back from the device if you wish. Dallas High-Speed Micros - DS80c320, DS87c520, DS87c530 Real barn-burners - performance up to 10 MIPS! Dallas was the first to speed up the core. Wasted clock and memory cycles have been removed using a redesigned processor core. As a result, every 8051 instruction is executed up to 3 times faster than the original for the same crystal speed. Clock speeds from DC to 33MHz! High performance doesn't just mean speed. High integration gives the user 2 full-duplex hardware serial ports, 13 total interrupt sources (6 external), watchdog timer, power management, power-fail reset, and other features. Intel MCS-51 Introduced in 1980, it has become the industry standard for embedded control. Intel offers a wide variety of 8051 versions with different configurations of on-board EPROM/ROM. Also low power, high integration, and specialized parts are also offered. OKI OKI makes an 85c154 piggyback - an 8751 but with an EPROM socket on top! Great with an EPROM emulator. Philips Philips has more 8051 variants than anyone else. Among the derivatives that they have: 40MHz, 24 pin skinny DIP, low voltage, quad flat pack (QFP) versions for saving board space, OTP, I2C bus, and so on. The c5xx line features high integration, with many built-in features including built-in EMI/RFI suppression. The c7xx series are very low-end, inexpensive micros. They are offered with less memory (1k, 2k, etc.) and fewer features. In fact the 83c750 sells for only $1 in very high OEM volumes. Siemens sab80c517a The 80c517a is one of the most powerful 8051 variants available. It features high clock speed (40 MHz), and high integration with 32 Bit ALU, 2 UARTS, 2K RAM, PLCC84 package, 8x16 bit PWMs, and more. Standard Microsystems Corporation SMC COM20051 The COM20051 is an integrated microcontroller and network interface. Features: - high performance and low cost - based on popular 8051 architecture - drop-in replacement for 80C32 PLCC - network supports up to 255 nodes - powerful network diagnostics - maximum 512 byte packets - duplicate node ID detection - self-configuring network protocol - retains all 8051 peripherals including Serial I/O and 2 Timers - utilizes ARCNET(R) Token Bus Network Engine - requires no special emulators - 5 Mbps to 156 Kbps data rate - network interface supports RS-485, twisted pair, coaxial, and fiber optic interfaces - receive all mode allows any packet to be received 2.2) 16-bit 8051 parts A joint project between Intel and Philips Semiconductors has resulted in two new excting products - 16 bit 8051s! Due to a disagreement between the parties, they each went their separate ways. Intel developed the MCS-251, which was originally called the ZX (this name can still be found on one of the Intel slide shows). Philips came out with the eXtended Architecture (XA) line. The Intel MCS-251 is a drop-in replacement for the 8051, and is also binary compatible. The XA is more of a 16 bit micro which also happens to be source code compatible. One can argue the merits of which approach is better. Pin compatible parts allow instant performance upgrades for existing designs, and the binary compatibility truly preserves users investment in code and tools. By staying firmly in the 80x51 camp, Intel allows users transparent access to an enormous horsepower range. To further improve throughput in numerically intensive areas, users can use INTEGER, LONGINT, and FLOAT libraries written for the MCS-251. The Philips XA is not a drop-in replacement for the 8051. Binary code compatibility is nice, you can move right up to a more powerful engine without having to bust a gut (We all know the Intel binary compatible success story with their 80x86 microprocessors). But if you're working on a new design, how necessary is binary compatibility? If you're just looking for a souped up '51, Dallas already has the 320. If you need the advanced features, you'll need to recompile or rewrite your software anyhow. You'll also have to drag along some compatibility baggage with you in order to use the 16 bit operations - these are preceded by an escape code (A5H), the only instruction not used in the 8051 instruction set. With source code compatibility, you have to recompile your code (with a new set of development tools), since the instruction set has been recrafted to allow the biggest bang for the buck. This process isn't 100% transparent, but then again, binary compatibility isn't either. If you're upgrading an existing design, the 251 is probably your only reasonable choice (although you might also want to consider the Dallas 320). On new designs, you'll have a tough decision to make. Whichever path you choose to take, the 8051 will never be the same again. Intel MCS-251 The Intel MCS-251 is 100% binary and pin compatible with the 8051, but with a 5-15 times boost in horsepower. This is achieved by a six fold gain in bus cycles, and further hardware improvements to avoid wasted bus cycles. Further performance gains are possible by recoding critical sections to take advantage of the new features: powerful 8/16/32 bit instructions, flexible 8/16/32 registers, 16MB linear address space, 16-bit stack pointer, enhanced BIT manipulations, and improved control instructions. In addition to extra 16/32 bit instructions, the 251 includes 40 registers with Accumulator and Index functions overlayed as 16x8, 16x16, 10x32. Philips 8051XA By tossing compatibility out the window, Philips was able to develop a true 16 microcontroller while at the same time preserving the basic 8051 instruction set (source). The benefits of this break with tradition result in a chip that has dual 16MB address spaces (data and code), multitasking support with task protected memory segments, a separate SFR bus, fast context switching, and optimized code efficiency. Other features include: hardware divide and multiply (over 100 times faster than an 8051), 32 vectored interrupts, 16 hardware exceptions, and 16 trap instructions. 2.3) 8051 representatives and approximate prices (in USD $) There are many, many varieties of 8051 out there. This is only a small sampling of typical prices on Intel chips. 8031 (128 bytes RAM)...................................3.59 80C31 (CMOS version of previous).......................6.95 8051AH (256 bytes RAM).................................6.95 8051AHBASIC (w/Basic interpreter built in)............29.95 8751 (4K EPROM, 128 bytes RAM)........................26.95 87C51 (CMOS version of previous)......................39.95 2.4) Advantages realized in implementing control applications on this family of microcontrollers Popular - readily available and widely supported, a full range of free and commercial support products is available Fast and effective - the architecture correlates closely with the problem being solved (control systems), specialized instructions mean that fewer bytes of code need to be fetched and fewer conditional jumps are processed Low cost - high level of system integration within one component, only a handful of components needed to create a working system Wide range - ONE set of tools covers the greatest horsepower range of any microcontroller family, other suppliers handle a number of DIFFERENT and INCOMPATIBLE (and often single-sourced) cores to cover the same power range as the 80x51, the 8051 provides a real cost savings in tools, training, and software support Compatibility - opcodes and binaries are the SAME for all 80x51 variants (unlike most other microcontroller families) Multi-sourced - over 12 manufacturers, hundreds of varieties, something for everyone with the security of ready availability Constant improvements - improvements in silicon/design increase speed and power annually, 16 Bit models coming from several manufacturers, low cost skinny DIP models now available 3) SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON THE 8051 3.1) FTP sites The following is a list of the various anonymous ftp sites that have 8051 source code and programming languages. There are many others that are not listed here that contains bits and pieces. Usually you can find them using Archie and searching for "8051", "AS31", "ASM51", "MCS-51", "MCS51", and stuff like that. (formerly - this is a great source of 8051 stuff /pub/8051 /pub/incoming - check this out for new untested/unsorted items ( - this is a great one, too /pub/compilers/8051 /pub/microprocs/MCS-51 other subdirectories in /pub/microprocs include: 1802, 6805, 6811, 8048, 8096 and many other microprocessors - this ftp site is pretty good now, and getting better all the time! - send comments to: /pub/mcs51 /pub/mcs51/tools - contains various development tools - mirror of - /vendors/Intel - Email (not ftp) - send Email with "subscribe" in the subject field to be put on list for newsletter - Email (not ftp) - send Email message with the word "help" in the subject line to learn how to access the archive - Email (not ftp) - send an Email message with the word "subscribe" in the subject line to participate in the forum, and receive usage instructions and guidelines - Email (not ftp) - send Email message to get information on all of Philips Email services - this is a new 8051 ftp site - soon to be improved - Email (not ftp) - send Email to get information file on services available - all Circuit Cellar INK and BYTE related files available /pub/cookbook/digital - circuits of all types - is a programmer for the ATMEL 89C51 flash part by Werner Terreblanche /pub/languages/assembler - FORTH archive /pub/forth/8051 /mirrors/.hpib0/forth/8051 /misc/ns32k/beowulf/a-8051 /mirrors/.hpib0/forth/eForth (Steve Walz) /pub/user/rstevew/8051 /pub/user/rstevew/TB8051 /pub/user/rstevew/incoming - has information and software for a wide range of microprocessors and microcontrollers, you may have to look around a bit giovanni/ /pub/MCS-51/keil-demo /pub/hardware - stuff on the Philips 87C750/1/2 microcontrollers - assembler, an update for the software in the DS-750 kit, notebook of some early experiences and code - responses welcome, Michael A. Covington ( - no longer supports 8051, don't even try awaiting final corporate approval... Philips Semiconductor ftp site 3.2) Web pages S. Joel Katz's web page - address is - information about 8051 and related microcontrollers - not much information yet, but it is increasing rapidly Automation and Process Control (Olaf Pfeiffer) - - 3.3) BBSs The following BBSs have 8051 information: AM Research - (916)652-7117 Blue Earth Research - support for their line of microcontroller boards - (507)387-4007 Circuit Cellar, Inc. - contains code from their magazine articles and from the original Circuit Cellar articles in Byte magazine, also contains many other interesting items - GOOD STUFF HERE! - The BBS is mentioned in the masthead of each issue (on the table of contents page). Excerpts from the BBS appear in Ken Davidson's ConnecTime column in every issue with a description of how to access the system at the end of every column. - (203)871-1988 - Voice: (203)875-2751 - Fax: (203)872-2204 Crossware Products - +44 763 261716 Dallas Semiconductor - Support for their line of innovative products Dunfield Development Systems - support for their Micro-C compiler and development tools - includes a lot of nice goodies - CHECK THIS OUT! - (613) 256-6289 Electronics Now - contains code from their magazine articles - (516)293-2283 - 1200/2400, 8N1 Intel American Marketing Applications Support Bulletin Board System - 16 lines, hi-speed modems (14.4K) - Lots of useful info and files (including design examples)! - Full ANSI-BBS with color is recommended, but support for just about all terminal types is provided - (916)356-3600 (24 hours) Auto config: 1200 thru 14.4K Baud 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop Iota Systems, Inc. - Support for their line of hardware and software products - 15 application notes which show how to hook up such things as clocks, A/D, D/A, and special chips to the 8051 - (702)831-4732 Micro Computer Control Corporation - (609)466-4117 Philips Semiconductor - Europe - support for: standard logic, programmable logic, in-car electronics (now open), 8 and 16 bit microcontrollers, I2C software, third party software, discrete semiconductors, cross assemblers (general), RF (planned) - PHIBBS is located in the Netherlands: +31-40-721102 - maximum 21600 baud / V42bis / HST/Vterbo - 24 hours a day available - Help desk: +31-40-722749 (9.00 AM - 16.00 PM CET) Philips Semiconductor - North America - support for their 8051 variants - contains many good source code items - partially mirrored on and - (800)451-6644 or (408)991-2406 PseudoCorp - support for their line of simulators and assemblers - (804)873-4838 Realtime Control & Forth Board (RCFB) - Forth and assembly for the 8051 - 300 through 14.4 baud - (303)278-0364 (24 hours) Systronix Inc. - support for their line of development tools - (801)487-2778 3.4) Help available! This is a new feature in the FAQ. Listed here are individuals who have expressed interest in helping others with hardware and software problems for 8051 systems. Does any one else out there think that they can help? Just let me know what your areas of specialization are and I'll add your name to the list. Thanks! Dick Barnett Specializes in 8051 (core processors), 80C552, and 87C751 applications. Daniel Drennan or He claims his electronics knowledge is very rudimentary and self-taught (what a modest guy!). He'll probably be able to point you in the right direction. Mark Hopkins Mark is the author of the CAS assembler and of the 8051.ZIP programs. He's now working on JOLT, a code generator with a C-like syntax. His areas of specialization include: multitasking, interrupts, basic stuff (like addressing, memory spaces), the 8052 BASIC chip, interfacing the chip with external inputs and outputs Hans Schou Hans is offering his assistance to users of the Standard Microsystems Corp. COM20051. He's not an expert, but he has some experience with it. 4) 8051 PRODUCTS This section includes descriptions and references to free and commercial software for the 8051. FTP sites and BBSs contain many quality packages and code samples for free. For heavy duty use, you might prefer the many commercial packages that are available. With the public domain (or free) stuff, you're usually on your own. The commercial packages usually provide extensive documentation and support. 4.1) Free languages and development tools The following is a list of the languages and development tools that I could find on the net. Nearly all of them include source code, however not all are public domain. Assembler Program: ML-ASM51.ZIP Description: MetaLink's 8051 family macro assembler Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Program: A51.ZIP Description: PseudoSam 8051 Cross Assembler Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Program: AS31.ZIP Description: C source for an 8051 assembler, and a simple monitor Author: Ken Stauffer Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs : /pub/msdos/crossasm/ many other locations (use Archie to find) Program: CUG292WK.ZIP Description: C source for a cross assembler, includes 8051 Author: Alan R. Baldwin Location: : /pub/msdos/crossasm : /pub/msdos/systools many other locations (use Archie to find) Program: Frankenstein Description: C source for a cross assembler, includes 8051 Author: Mark Zenier Location: : /pub/msdos/frankasm/FRANKASM.ZOO : /pub/netnews/alt.sources/volume90/dec : /pub1/unix/languages/frankenstein.tar.Z many other locations (use Archie to find) Program: CAS 8051 assembler Description: Experimental one-pass assembler for the 8051 with C-like syntax. Includes assembler, linker and disassembler. Author: Mark Hopkins Location: : /pub/8051/assem : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/csd4-archive/assem Program: a51 Description: Portable cross assembler (source in C), other processors available Author: William C. Colley, III Location: : /misc/ns32k/beowulf/a-8051 Basic Program: BASIC52.ZIP Description: Source files for original BASIC 52 interpreter Author: Intel Corporation, Embedded Controller Operations Location: : /pub/mcs51 Program: BAS051.ZIP Description: Converts IBM BASIC to 8051 assembly (compiler) Author: Winefred Washington Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs Program: BASIC-52.ZIP Description: Source files for BASIC-52 interpreter Author: Intel Corporation, Embedded Controller Operations Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Program: BASIC31.ZIP Description: BASIC-52 interpreter for 8031/8051 in external EPROM Author: Intel w/ changes by Dan Karmann Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Program: TB-51.ZIP Description: TinyBASIC for 8031 Author: JHW (from Intel InSite library) w/ fixes by Tom Schotland Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Program: TB51ML23.ZIP Description: MetaLink ASM compatible tiny BASIC Author: adapted for MetaLink assembler by Jim Lum Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Forth Program: EFORTH51.ZIP Description: eFORTH environment for the 8051 Author: C. H. Ting Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs : /pub/forth/8051 : /mirrors/.hpib0/forth/eForth Program: FORTH51.ZIP (FORTH86.ZIP used as host) Description: FORTH development system for 8051 with PC host Author: William H. Payne, the author of "Embedded Controller Forth for the 8051 Family" Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs : /pub/forth/8051 : /mirrors/.hpib0/forth/8051 Program: XD8051.ZIP Description: Development environment for use with F-PC Forth Author: Paulo A.D. Ferreira Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/signetics-bbs Program: 51FORTH.ZIP Description: Subroutine threaded Forth Author: Scott Gehmlich Location: : /mirrors/.hpib0/forth/8051 : /giovanni/ Program: FORTH552.ZIP Description: A Non-Standard Forth System for the Signetics 80C552 Author: Alberto Pasquale Location: : /mirrors/.hpib0/forth/8051 Development systems Program: Description: Many development tools including: debugger, monitor, LCD and stepper moter driver, communications, host client, and much more. This is a great collection of tools. Author: Mark Hopkins Location: : /pub/8051/signetics-bbs : /pub/microprocs/MCS-51/csd4-archive Program: RISM and IECM51.EXE compatible host system Description: RISM is a reduced instruction set monitor and IECM51.EXE is its compatible host system for a PC Comments: These two programs together constitute a bare-bones method of developing 80C51 system code without an emulator. RISM51X is installed in the target system and connected to a host PC system through a serial port. The host PC runs the debugger IECM51.EXE. Once the system has been debugged, RISM can be removed and the target can be run in stand-alone mode. Author: Intel Location: : /pub/mcs51/tools Program: ApBUILDER 2.0 Description: Development system for the Intel MCS-51(R) family (also for the MCS-96(R) family, 80x186, and 80x386 embedded microcontrollers). Comments: Requires Windows 3.1 APBUILDR.TXT - description in ASCII APBDISK1.EXE - binary self-extracting file for disk 1 APBDISK2.EXE - binary self-extracting file for disk 2 Author: Intel Location: : /pub/mcs51 and /pub/mcs96 Program: FXDSMAN.EXE Description: 8xC51Fx data sheets and manual in Windows 3.1 hypertext style Comments: binary self-extracting file for one diskette Author: Intel Location: : /pub/mcs51/80c51 Program: sim51d Description: Shareware Simulator in German DM 50 to register for full version Author: Werner Hennig-Roleff Location: : /pub/8051/hannover Program: Description: 80C552 simulator (Freeware) Comments: Program is capable of reading .HEX and .S19 records, or saving memory to a file. It supports both code and data. Written in Turbo Pascal for XT and upwards. Author: Brian Brown Location: : /pub/msdos/ 4.2) Free C compilers Several commercial C compilers have evaluation versions available. These are not too useful (even for hobbyist projects) since they usually don't include libraries. However, they do afford the user the chance to inspect the quality of the code generated. Among those currently available: An evaluation version of COMPASS is available from Production Language Systems. This package includes a C compiler, assembler, debugger, simulator, etc. and runs under Windows 3.1. This package can be downloaded from the IntelC Compuserve forum or from their BBS: (817)599-8363 Enter YY8051 as password for first-time login (In case of difficulty, contact The Keil C compiler evaluation package is available as a freeware C compiler. It can be downloaded from: : /pub/MCS-51/keil-demo Thanks to Christofe Huygens for setting this up. You can now get the freeware version of the Hi-Tech C compiler from their own (rather modest) ftp site: They are also working on a Web setup too, but it's not ready yet. It will be the expected when it's up. Mark Hopkins has changed the goal of his compiler project. Instead of implementing a C compiler, he is working on an implementation of JOLT for the '51. Its main characteristic is the complete and seamless integration of functional and imperative programming into one language. The language envisioned essentially has a C syntax and could probably be mistaken as being a dialect of C. More on this as it develops. However, the good news is that Ahmad Ibrahim informs me that he's well on his way to putting together a C compiler which will be released as freeware. The initial offering will generate code only for the 8051. By making the compiler table driven, it will be adaptable for other processors. Other features are in the works including a simulator/debugger. In most cases, it makes more sense to invest a bit, and get something serious. Also, by buying a commercial package, you have the advantage of having the documentation, and being able to get technical support. There are two low-cost C compilers currently available for 8051 development. I've been using the Dunfield Development System, and its really quite nice. I've also heard many good things about it from others. For $100 you get a near ANSI-C compiler, run-time library with source, assembler, ROM debugger, integrated development environment, monitor with source, utilities, and other extras. A high quality simulator for only $50 is also available separately. The simulator has an option allowing you to interface to your target by using an on-chip monitor. Although not freeware, the low price, the features, all of the extra goodies, and the good reviews make this a package worth looking at. Also, if you're interested in working on more than one family of microcontroller, Dunfield supports a wide range. This means only needing to learn one system, instead of many. Another low priced ($100) C compiler comes from Micro Computer Control. Cross compilers running under DOS are available for the 8051 and the Z8 (including Super-8). This package includes a C compiler, assembler, linker, librarian, and extensive printed documentation. A simulator/source code debugger is available for an additional $79.95. The simulator is completely configurable, so much so that you don't even need the target hardware to test with. You can configure all I/O and other features of your target chip or environment. Micro Computer Control Corporation PO Box 275, 17 Model Ave., Hopewell, NJ 08525 (609)466-1751 Fax: (609)466-4116 BBS: (609)466-4117 Email: 4.3) Commercially available products Many firms (large and small) offer a variety of 8051 microcontroller variants, programming languages, support packages, and development systems. No endorsement is implied by inclusion in this list. I apologize to anyone I left out; It's only because I didn't know about you. If you want to be included in this list, just drop me a line - please. Any corrections and additions appreciated. C compilers ($$$ - high, $$ - medium, $ - low priced) - 2500 A.D. - Archimedes Software $$$ compiler, assembler, debugger, real-time kernel, ROM monitor, libraries for special 8051's to set SFR, embedded I/O devices, A/D, etc. - Avocet Systems $$ repackaging of the Hi-Tech Software C compiler - BSO/Tasking $$ - Crossware Products - Dunfield Development Systems $ Complete C compiler development system for MS-DOS includes: compiler, run-time library with source, assembler, ROM debugger, integrated development environment, monitor with source, utilities, and other extras low price: $100 good reputation and good support works well with the Dallas DS5000/DS2250 - Franklin Software $$$ same as Keil Electronics C compiler, assembler, debugger, real-time kernel, ROM monitor, libraries for special 8051's to set SFR, embedded I/O devices, A/D, etc. - IAR Systems IAR tool kit comes with a C-Cross compiler, assembler, Xlink linker, Xlib librarian, C-SPY simulator, editor, make utility and a real-time kernel formerly licensed for distribution in the US and Canada under the Archimedes brand name - Hi-Tech Software $$ high compliance to ANSI C available for DOS and soon for SUN - Intermetrics Microsystems Software, Inc. Whitesmith's compiler, assembler, and C source level debugger - Keil Electronics - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd SYS51C - ANSI C Cross Compiler - Micro Computer Control $ Developer's kit includes "C"-like compiler, assembler, linker, librarian, extensive printed documentation low cost ($99.95) - Nohau Corporation sells and supports Franklin C - Okapi Systems - Production Languages Corporation DOS- and Windows- based compilers Integrated development environment includes ANSI C compiler, assembler, linker, librarian, debugger - Signum Systems Basic interpreters/compilers - Binary Technology, Inc. - Iota Systems, Inc. Basic-752 interpreter (simulator also available) Basic-52 Plus interpreter - Micro Future Basic-52 development system - Systronix Inc. (Basic compiler) Pascal - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd PASCAL51 - Advanced Turbo PASCAL compliant cross compiler - Scientific Engineering Labs Modula-2 - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd Mod51 - optimizing Modula-2 Compiler, smallest program is 14 bytes, ideal for both very tight/fast projects and very large ones with multiple modules, produces smaller/tighter code than C, has extensive libraries and working examples - Vail Silicon Tools, Inc. PL/M - BSO/Tasking Board level products - Ackerman Computers Sciences (ACS) - AM Research complete FORTH based system with PC based host system - Binary Technology, Inc. - Blue Earth Research - Blue Ridge Micros (8031 and 8052-BASIC based boards) - Circuit Cellar Inc. - DataCraft International - Dunfield Development Systems - EE Systems - Forth, Inc. - HiTech Equipment Corp. - Iota Systems, Inc. (line of development packages, boards, peripherals, and components) - J & M Microtek, Inc. - L.S. Electronic Systems Design - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd - Parallax, Inc. - Prologic Designs - Rigel Corporation - Software Science - Suncoast Technologies - URDA, Inc. Assemblers - 2500 A.D. - Archimedes Software - BSO/Tasking - Crossware Products - Custom Computer Consultants - Cybernetics Microsystems - Dunfield Development Systems Supports both Intel and Motorola style syntax - Intel Corporation - Keil Electronics - Lear Com Company - Metalink - Micro Computer Control - Microtek Research - Nohau Corporation - Okapi Systems - Onset Computer Corporation (8051 Assember for MAC) - Parallax, Inc. - PseudoCorp - Raven Computer Systems - Signum Systems - Speech Technology Inc. - Sysoft SA - Universal Cross Assemblers CROSS32 supports 40-50 different processors Forth - AM Research Development system, features kernel of less than 700 bytes - Forth, Inc. A cross-development product for the 8051 family which includes a board and extensive documentation. - Forth Systeme - MPE: MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd. A cross-development system for the 8051 family extensive documentation interactive single chip development, multitasking, bank switching for more than 64k code - Offete Enterprises 8051 eForth (C. H. Ting -- $25.00). "A small ROM based Forth system ... Source code is in MASM IBM 5.25 disk with 8051 eForth Implementation Note." ROM Monitor-based Debuggers - ChipTools (ChipView-51 looks like turbo debugger) - Dunfield Development Systems Can be used with DS5000 for single-chip in-circuit emulation Simulators - 2500 A.D. - Avocet Systems - ChipTools on a 33 MHz 486 matches the speed of a 12 MHz 8051 - Cybernetic Micro Systems - Dunfield Development Systems Low cost $50.00 500,000+ instructions/second on 486/33 Can interface to target system for physical I/O Includes PC hosted "on chip" debugger with identical user interface - HiTech Equipment Corp. - Iota Systems, Inc. - J & M Microtek, Inc. - Keil Electronics - Lear Com Company - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd - Micro Computer Control Corporation Simulator/source code debugger ($79.95) - Microtek Research - Production Languages Corp. - PseudoCorp Emulators ($$$ - high, $$ - medium, $ - low priced) - Advanced Micro Solutions $$ - Advanced Microcomputer Systems, Inc. $ - American Automation $$$ $$ - Applied Microsystems $$ - ChipTools (front end for Nohau's emulator) - Cybernetic Micro Systems $ - Dunfield Development Systems $ plans for pseudo-ice using Dallas DS5000/DS2250 used together with their resident monitor and host debugger - HBI Limited $ - Hewlett-Packard $$$ - HiTech Equipment Corp. - Huntsville Microsystems $$ - Intel Corporation $$$ - Kontron Electronics $$$ - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd full line covering everything from the Atmel flash to the Siemens powerhouse 80c517a - MetaLink Corporation $$ $ - Nohau Corporation $$ - Orion Instruments $$$ - Philips $ DS-750 pseudo-ICE developed by Philips and CEIBO real-time emulation and simulator debug mode source-level debugging for C, PL/M, and assembler programs 8xC75x parts low cost - only $100 DOS and Windows versions available - Signum Systems $$ - Sophia Systems $$$ - Zax Corporation - Zitek Corporation $$$ Real-time - Byte-BOS Integrated Systems small, prioritized, preemptive real-time kernel - Embedded System Products (formerly A.T. Barrett and Associates) ROMable embedded-system kernel: source provided. Provides programming interface identical on all target platforms. Basic, advanced, and extended library packages available. - Intellimap Engineering DCE51 real time operating system - JMI Software Systems, Inc. small, prioritized, preemptive real-time kernel - U S Software SuperTask! - multitasking executive Trainers - Advanced Educational Systems (AES) complete learning system (board, LCD, keypad, A/D, D/A, etc) - Sun Equipment Corp. trainers Miscellaneous - Creative Applications Engineering, Inc CheepTools (integrated environment) - Dallas Semiconductor evaluation/development kit for their DS5000 (very nice) - Data Sync Engineering (disassembler) - Educational Laboratories development courses: 8051 Microcontroller Based Computer Design Programming 8051 Based Computers each course $19.95, both $29.95 - Electronic Product Design, Inc. development system (integrated package with assembler, project manager, text editor, programmer) - Exor Inc. (ladder logic compiler) - Iota Systems, Inc. integrated environment system - Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd PIC to 8051 conversion program - Parallax, Inc. programmers - Quantasm Corp. ASMFLOW - produces flowchart and tree diagrams from source code, register usage analysis, Xref, timing info - U S Software USNET - TCP/IP networking suite USFiles - file system GOFAST - floating point library 2500 A.D. 109 Brookdale Ave., Box 480, Buena Vista, CO 81211 (719)395-8683 Ackerman Computer Sciences (ACS) 4276 Lago Way, Sarasota, FL 34241 (813)377-5775 Fax: (813)378-4226 Advanced Educational Systems (AES) 1407 North Batavia Street, Orange, CA 92677 (800)730-3232 (714)744-0981 Fax: (714)744-2693 Advanced Micro Devices 901 Thompson Place, PO Box 3453 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3000 (408)732-2400 Advanced Microcomputer Systems, Inc. 1321 NW 65th Place, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (305)975-9515 Fax: (305)975-9698 Advanced Micro Solutions 1033 S Imperial Dr., Hartland, WI 53029 (414)367-3577 American Automation 2651 Dow Avenue, Tustin, CA 92680 (714)731-1661 AM Research 4600 Hidden Oaks Lane, Loomis, CA 95650 (800)949-8051 (916)652-7472 Fax: (916)6642 BBS: (916)652-7117 Email: Applied Microsystems 5020 148th Ave. N.E., PO Box 97002 Redmond, WA 98073-9702 Archimedes Software 2159 Union St., San Francisco, CA 94123 (415)567-4010 Ashling Microsystems Ltd Ireland Plessey Technological Park Limerick, Ireland +353 61 334466 Fax: +353 61 334477 United Kingdom Butler House 19-23 Market Street Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK +0628 773070 Fax: 0628 773009 Atmel Avocet Systems 120 Union St., Rockport, ME 04856 (800)448-8500 (207)236-9055 Fax: (207)236-6713 Binary Technology, Inc. PO Box 541, Carlisle, MA 01741 (508)369-9556 Fax: (508)369-9549 Blue Earth Research 165 W. Lind Ct., Mankato, MN 56001-0400 (507)387-4001 Fax: (507)387-4008 BBS: (507)387-4007 Blue Ridge Micros 2505 Plymouth Rd., Johnson City, TN 37601 (615)335-6696 Fax: (615)929-3164 BSO/Tasking International 333 Elm Street, Dedham, MA 02026-4530 (800)458-8276 (617)320-9400 Fax: (617)320-9212 Europe Tasking Software BV P O Box 899, 3800 AW Amersfoort, Netherlands +31 33 558584 Fax: +31 33 550033 Business Data Computers P.O. Box 1549, Chester, CA 96020 Byte-BOS Integrated Systems P.O. Box 3067, Del Mar, CA 92014 (800)788-7288 (619)755-8836 ChipTools Inc (905)274-6244 Fax: (905)891-2715 Email: Circuit Cellar Inc. 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066 (203)875-2751 Fax: (203)872-2204 Creative Applications Engineering, Inc Ed Carryer (415)494-2363 BBS: (415)494-8463 Crossware Products 2 The Lawns, Melbourn, Royston, Herts SG8 6BA, UK +44 763 261539 Fax: +44 763 262983 BBS: +44 763 261716 Email: Custom Computer Consultants 1807 Huron River Drive, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Cybernetic Micro Systems Box 3000, San Gregorio, CA 94074 (415)726-3000 Dallas Semiconductor 4401 S. Beltwood Parkway, Dallas, TX 75244-3292 (214)450-0448 Fax: (214)450-3715 International: (214)450-5351 Orders: (800)336-6933 Email: (Kevin Self, appl. engineer) (great email address! right?) DataCraft International 2828 Ione Dr., San Jose, CA 95132 (800)873-3709 (408)259-4866 Data Sync Engineering POB 146, E. Stroudsburg, PA 18301 (717)421-1977 Dunfield Development Systems P.O. Box 31044, Nepean, Ontario Canada K2B 8S8 (613)256-5820 Fax: (613)256-5821 BBS: (613)256-6289 Email: EE Systems 50935 Hill Dr., Elkhart, IN 46514 (219)296-1754 Fax: (219)522-4271 Electronic Product Design, Inc. 6963 Bluebelle Way, Springfield, OR 97478 (503)741-0778 Embedded System Products (formerly A.T. Barrett and Associates) 11501 Chimney Rock, Houston, TX 77035-2900 (800)525-4302 (713)728-9688 Fax: (713)728-1049 Exor Inc. 4740T Interstate Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45246 (513)874-4665 Fax: (513)874-3684 Forth, Inc. 1-800-55FORTH Forth Systeme P.O. Box 1103, Breisach, Germany 7767-551 Franklin Software (408)296-8051 HBI Limited 6F, 1 Fleming Road, Hong Kong 852-891-3673 Fax: 852-834-9748 Hewlett-Packard 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94304 HiTech Equipment Corp. 9400 Activity Rd., San Diego, CA 92126 (619)566-1892 Fax: (619)530-1458 Hi-Tech Software PO Box 103, Alderly QLD 4051, Australia (+61-7) 300 5011 Fax: (+61-7) 300 5246 Email: Hitex (UK) Ltd Sir William Lyons Road, Science Park Coventry CV4 7EX +0203 692066 Fax: +0203 692131 Huntsville Microsystems 4040 S. Memorial Parkway, PO Box 12415 Huntsville, AL 35802 IAR Systems Software North America One Maritime Plaza, Suite 1770 San Fransisco, CA 94111 USA (415)765-5500 Fax: (415)765-5503 Sweden IAR Systems AB Box 23051 S-750 23 Uppsala, Sweden +46 18 16 7800 Fax: +46 18 16 7838 Germany IAR Systems GmbH Brucknerstrasse 27 D-81677 Munchen, Germany +49 89 470 6022 Fax: +49 89 470 9565 United Kingdom IAR Systems Ltd 9 Spice Court Plantation Wharf, York Rd London SWII 3UE, England +44 71 924 3334 Fax: +44 71 924 5341 Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051 Technical Help: (800)628-8686 (USA/Canada only) 5 am to 5 pm PST Email: Faxback support: (800)628-2283 (USA/Canada) touch tone phones only Will only FAX to USA/Canada locations English or Japanese support is available BBS: (916)356-3600 24 Hr. Auto config: 1200 thru 14.4K Baud Intellimap Engineering 1140 Morrison Dr., Suite 222 Ottawa Ontario Canada K2H 8S9 (613)829-3196 Fax: (613)820-1773 Intermetrics Microsystems Software, Inc. 733 Concord Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138 (617)661-0072 Fax: (617)868-2843 Iota Systems, Inc. 924 Incline Way, Suite N / POB 8987 Incline Village, NV 89452-8987 (702)831-6302 Fax: (702)831-4629 J & M Microtek, Inc. 83 Seaman Rd., W Orange, NJ 07052 (201)325-1892 Fax: (201)736-4567 JMI Software Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 481, 904 Sheble Lane, Spring House, PA 19477 (215)628-0840 Fax: (215)628-0353 Keil Elektronik GmbH Bretonischer Ring 15 D-85630 Grasbrunn b. Muenchen, Germany 089-465057 Fax: 089-468162 Kontron Electronics D-8057 Eching/Munich Oskar von Miller Str. 1, Germany (0 81 65) 77-0 Lear Com Company 2440 Kipling St. Suite 206, Lakewood, CO 80215 (303)232-2226 Fax: (303)232-8721 Logical Systems Corporation (Disassembler, Simulator) Micro Dialects, Inc. POB 30014, Cincinnati, OH 45230 (513)271-9100 Logisoft Box 61929, Sunnyvale CA 94086 (408)773-8465 Fax: (408)773-8466 L.S. Electronic Systems Design 2280 Camilla Rd., Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5A 2J8 (905)277-4893 Fax: (905)277-0047 Mandeno Granville Electronics, Ltd 128 Grange Rd., Auckland 3, Australia +64 9 6300 558 Fax: +64 9 6301 720 Matra Semiconductor 2840-100 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408)986-9000 MetaLink Corporation North America 325 E. Elliot Road, Chandler, AZ 85255 (800)638-2423 (602)926-0797 Fax: (602)926-1198 Europe MetaLink Europe GmbH Westring 2, 8011<85614> Kirchseeon-Eglharting, Germany (08091)2046 Fax: (08091)2386 Micro Computer Control Corporation PO Box 275, 17 Model Ave., Hopewell, NJ 08525 (609)466-1751 Fax: (609)466-4116 BBS: (609)466-4117 Email: Micro Future 40944 Cascado Place, Fremont, CA 94539 (510)657-0264 Fax: (510)657-5441 BBS: (510)657-5442 MicroMint 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066 (203)875-2751 Fax: (203)872-2204 Microtek International, Inc. North America Microtek International, Inc. 3300 N.W. 211th Terrace, Hillsboro, OR 97124 (503)645-7333 Fax: (503)629-8460 Europe Microtek Electronics Europe GmbH Starnberger Strasse 22, 82131 Gauting bei Munchen Germany +49(89)893139-30 Fax: +49(89)893139-50 MPE: MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd. 133 Hill Lane, Shirley, Southampton SO1 5AF U.K. +44 1703 631441 Fax: +44 1703 339691 Email: Nohau Corporation 51 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell, CA 95008 (408)866-1820 (408)378-2912 (24 hr. information center) Fax: (408)378-7869 Offete Enterprises, Inc. 1306 South B Street, San Mateo, CA 94402 (415) 574-8250 Okapi Systems (206)258-1163 Onset Computer Corporation 199 Main St., P.O. Bos 1030 North Falmouth, MA 02556-1030 (508)563-9000 Fax: (508)563-9477 Orion Instruments 180 Independence Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (800)729-7700 Fax: (415)327-9881 Parallax, Inc. 6200 Desimone Lane, #69A, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 (916)721-8217 Philips Microcontroller Product Group 811 East Arques Ave. / POB 3409 Sunnvale, CA 94088-3409 Technical documentation: Sunnyvale, CA - (800)447-1500 Fax: (408)991-3773 Eindhoven, Netherlands - Fax: 31-40-724825 Technical questions: Sunnyvale, CA - (408)991-3518 Production Languages Corporation P.O. Box 109, Weatherford, TX 76086 (800)525-6289 (817)599-8365 Fax: (817)599-5098 Prologic Designs PO Box 19026, Baltimore, MD 21204 (410)661-5950 Fax: (410)661-5950 PseudoCorp 716 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606 (804)873-1947 Fax: (804)873-2154 BBS: (804)873-4838 Quantasm Corporation 19672 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 (800)765-8086 (408)244-6826 Fax: (408)244-7268 Raven Computer Systems PO Box 12116, St. Paul, MN 55112 (612)636-0365 Rigel Corporation P.O. Box 90040, Gainesville, FL 32607 Scientific Engineering Labs 255 Beacon St., Suite 3D, Somerville, MA 02143 (617)625-0288 Siemens Components, Inc. Integrated Circuit Division, 10950 N. Tantau Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 (800)777-4363 Fax: (708)296-4805 Signetics Corporation (see Philips Microcontroller Product Group) Signum Systems Mountain View, CA (415)903-2220 Thousand Oaks, CA (805)371-4608 Software Science 3570 Roundbottom Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45244 Sophia Systems NS Bldg. 2-4-1, Nishishinjuku, Shinuku-ku Tokyo 160, Japan 03-348-7000 Speech Technology Inc., Software Division 837 Front Street South, Issaquah, WA 98027 (206)392-8150 Standard Microsystems Corporation 80 Arkay Dr., Hauppage, NY 11788 (516)435-6000 Fax: (516)231-6004 Sun Equipment Corporation Lodestar Electronics Corp. 616 Hawick Rd., Raleigh, NC 27615 (800)870-1955 (919)881-2141 Fax: (919)870-5720 Suncoast Technologies PO Box 5835, Spring Hill, FL 34606 (904)596-7599 Sysoft SA 6926 Montagnola, Switzerland (091)543195 Systronix Inc. 555 S. 300 E., Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801)534-1017 Fax: (801)534-1019 BBS: (801)487-2778 URDA, Inc. (800)338-0517 (412)683-8732 US Software 14215 N.W. Science Park Drive, Portland, OR 97229 (800)356-7097 (503)641-8446 Fax: (503)644-2413 Product information available by ftp - : pub/ussw Universal Cross Assemblers Canada (506)849-8952 Fax: (506)847-0681 Vail Silicon Tools, Inc. Box 165, Pompano Beach FL 33069 (305)491-7443 Fax: (305)974-8531 Zax Corporation 2572 White Road, Irving, CA 92714 (800)421-0982 (714)474-1170 Zitek Corporation 1651 East Edinger Ave., Santa Ana, Ca 92705 (714)541-2931 5) 8051 DOCUMENTATION 5.1) Periodicals that cover the 8051 Various magazines and journals (journals seems to be THE popular name for magazines these days) provide articles from time to time on the 8051 family of microcontrollers: The Computer Applications Journal (Circuit Cellar Ink) - programming and construction articles - POB 7694, Riverton, NJ 08077-8784 - FAX: (203)872-2204 - Voice orders: (609)786-0409 - On-line orders (BBS): (203)871-1988 - Email orders: - $21.95, $31.95 surface Canada and Mexico, $49.95 air all other countries Computer Design - industry announcements and trends - One Technology Park Drive, P.O. Box 990, Westford, MA 01886 - (508)692-0700 The Computer Journal - programming and construction articles - PO Box 535, Lincoln 96648 Dr. Dobbs Journal - programming articles, concepts, and designs - 411 Borel Ave., San Mateo, CA 94402 - (415)358-9500 Electronic Engineering Times - industry announcements and trends - FREE to qualified engineers and managers involved in engineering decisions - Fulfillment Dept., PO Box 9055, Jericho, NY 11753-8955 - FAX: (516)733-6960 Electronics Now - construction articles - Box 55115, Boulder, CO 80321-5115 - $19.97 one year Elektor Electronics - programming and construction articles - World Wide Subscription Service Ltd Unit 4, Gibbs Reed Farm, Pashley Road Ticehurst TN5 7HE, England - 27 UK pounds or - Old Colony Sound Lab, P.O. Box 243, Peterborough, NH 03458 - Tel. (603)924-6371, 924-6526 - Fax: (603)924-9467 - $57 USA and Canada per year Embedded Systems Programming - programming and systems design articles - Miller Freeman Publications - 500 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94105 - (415) 397-1881 Inquisitor Magazine - If you're the type that watched Gilligan's Island for its socio-political insights, then you'll love a new 'zine that just crossed my desk - Inquisitor Magazine. It's general philosophy seems to be ... well, it seems to be ... uh, yeah! Technical in nature, bizarre, tongue in cheek, eclectic, electric, did I mention bizarre(?), and lots of fun. Worth looking at if you like the out of the ordinary. The moving force behind this magazine is Daniel Drennan, who seems to have suffered from an overdose of radiation from his computer monitor ;-). - Planetarium Station, P.O.Box 132, New York, NY 10024-0132 - (212)595-8370 - Email: - $16 per year (4 issues) Microcomputer Journal (formerly Computer Craft) - programming and construction articles - 76 N. Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 - $29.70 one year Midnight Engineering - 1700 Washington Ave., Rocky Road, CO 81067 - (719)254-4553 MW Media - Product Directories - 8051 Product Directory (survey of various 8051 products) - Intel Development Tools Handbook (survey of commercial development tools for the 8051, 8096, and 80186 lines of Intel microprocessors) - This documents could very well be a "must" if you're into serious development using one of these chips. If you are "just" a hobbyist, see how the "other half" lives. - other guides on Intel development tools, Embedded Intel 386, Intel 486/Pentium, 8051 products, Hitachi microcontroller development tools, AMD FusionE86, AMD 29K; low power products, DSP, multimedia CD - FREE to qualified developers - MW Media - Fairmont Plaza, 50 W. San Fernando, #675, San Jose, CA 95113 - (408)288-4721 and (408)286-4200 - FAX: (408)288-4728 Nuts & Volts Magazine - A National Publication for the Buying and Selling of Electronic Equipment - 430 Princeland Court, Corona, CA 91719 - Mailed third class, USA only: $17.00 one year $31.00 two years - Mailed first class, one year only: $34.00-USA $35.00-Canada/Mexico - Foreign/Air Mail - $70.00; Foreign/Surface - $39.00 - (800)783-4624 - Email: 5.2) Books on the 8051 5.2.1) List of books I don't have information on all of these, only that they exist. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide a short synopsis and the complete book name if you are familiar with any of these titles. The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers -Richard H. Barnett -Prentice-Hall, 1995 -ISBN 0-02-306281-9 8051 Interfacing and Applications - Applied Logic Engineering - 13008 93rd Place North, Maple Grove, MN 55369 - (612)494-3704 The 8051 Microcontroller - I. Scott MacKenzie - Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992 - includes schematics for a single-board computer, assembly-language source code for a monitor program, and interfaces to a keypad, LEDs, and loudspeaker. The 8051 Microcontroller - James W. Stewart - Regents/Prentice-Hall, 1993 - $27.50, 273 pages - includes many interfacing examples (switches, solenoids, relays, shaft encoders, displays, motors, and A/D converters) and a chapter on top-down design method The 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Programming and Applications - Kenneth J. Ayala - 241 pages, soft cover - 5.25" diskette with assembler and simulator - ISBN 0-314-77278-2, Dewey 004.165-dc20 - West Publishing Company - P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, MN 55164 - (800)328-9352 - see review in next section Assembly Language Programming (for the MCS-51 family) - F. A. Lyn - L. S. Electronic Systems Design Basic-52 Programmer's Guide - Systronix, Inc. (they also sell a Basic compiler) Beginner's Guide - Suncoast Technologies C and the 8051 - Thomas W. Schultz - Prentice Hall - ISBN 0-13-753815-4 Data book / Handbook / Users' Guide - Advanced Micro Devices - Dallas (User's guide for the DS5000) - Intel - Philips - Siemens Embedded Controller Forth for the 8051 Family - Academic Press (I think) - William H. Payne - uses a Forth development system available on the Internet (see above in the Forth software section) Embedded Systems Programming in C and Assembler - John Forrest Brown - Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994 - 304 pages, $49.95 - ISBN 0-442-01817-7 - covers Motorola and Intel processors - includes diskette with code from the book - book review in Dr. Dobb's Journal, November 1994, page 121 Experimenter's guide - Rigel Corporation Introduction to Microcontroller Design, Based on the 8051 family of Processors - Business Data Computers - P.O. Box 1549, Chester, CA 96020 The Microcontroller Idea Book - Jan Axelson (of Microcomputer Journal fame) - features the 8052-BASIC microcontroller - hands-on guide with complete plans (schematics, design theory, program listings, construction details, etc) - explains how to use sensors, relays, displays, clock/calendars, keypads, wireless links, and more - 1994, 273 pages, $31.95 + shipping - Lakeview Research, 2209 Winnebago St., Madison, WI 53704 (608)241-5824 Internet: - contact the author at 5.2.2) Book reviews Jan Axelson's review of her book: The Microcontroller Idea Book This is a hands-on guide that presents designs for use in data loggers, controllers, and other small-computer projects. It includes complete circuit schematics and parts lists, design theory, example program listings, construction and debugging tips, and vendor listings. Example circuits and programs are based on the 8052-BASIC microcontroller. The book is loosely based on a series of articles I wrote for ComputerCraft magazine (now The Microcomputer Journal). Chapter titles: microcontroller basics, inside the 8052- BASIC, powering up, saving programs, programming, inputs and outputs, switches and keypads, displays, using sensors to detect and measure, clocks and calendars, control circuits, wireless links, calling assembly-language routines, running BASIC-52 from external memory, related products Richard H. Barnett's summary of his book: The 8051 Family of Microcontrollers The book covers basic micros through complete projects using the 8051 family as examples. It is designed as a "lots of meat, very little filler" type of text, but is very well-suited for use as a handbook of project development using 8051 family parts. The book stresses examples, both hardware and software. The hardware examples are real working items including 3 complete projects in the last chapter. Software examples are presented in both C and assembly code. All of the program listings and other software examples were imported electronically to the text eliminating errors. For more info contact the author - Richard Kendrick's review of the book: 8051 Interfacing and Applications from Applied Logic Engineering IN BRIEF An excellent collection of interfacing circuits and well commented source code in assembly. This is not a book for beginners as it assumes the user is very familiar with the architecture of the 8051 and its registers. A disk of assembly source code listings is included. CHAPTERS 1 - 8051 Interfacing and Applications 1.1 - Introduction 1.2 - Main System Core 1.3 - Simple Methods of User Input 1.4 - Interfacing a 16 digit keypad to the 8031 1.5 - Centronics Parallel Input Port 1.6 - Centronics Parallel Output Port 1.7 - Interfacing to the built-in Serial Port 1.8 - Interfacing to a Dual Channel UART 1.9 - Interfacing to an LCD 1.10 - Bank Selection of Memory - Appendix A: List of Vendors - Appendix B: Connection to an External Computer 0.1 RS-232 Serial Connection 0.2 Centronics Interface Cabling COMMENTS This spiral bound book is thin (74 pages) but manages to cover a lot of information. All of the sub-chapters have excellent code listings with full comments, partial schematic diagrams, and an occasional timing diagram. The chapter on using the serial port is based on the MAX232 chip becoming so popular. A table of timer reload values is provided to get standard baud rates but the book only mentions the required clock frequency of 11.0592 mHz in the first chapter. It also doesn't explain why a seemingly non-standard crystal frequency was chosen. The dual UART channel features the 2681 chip. The LCD chapter gives a small but adequate explaination of the Hitachi controller chip usage on LCD displays and a tiny fragment of data on display characteristics of LCDs. The bank selection of memory is useful showing code and schematic using five 62256 chips for 160K bytes of read/write memory. Richard Kendrick's review of the book: Microprocessor/Controller Design by Wayne P. Lichti of Business Data Computers A lame little book better bypassed. As an introductory text, Kenneth Ayala's book is the winner hands down. This book is a poor rehash of the same information in Intel's or AMD's data book. There is one code listing in the book and does little more than tell the reader that the 8051 family of processors exist. This book is 134 pages of wasted time. The schematics were printed on a dot matrix printer and poorly reproduced. Many of the sections are just a table or a paragraph with two or three sentences. Use Ayala's book, you'll learn a lot more useful information. John Little's review of the book: The 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Programming and Applications by Kenneth J. Ayala IN BRIEF A good book for those who are already moderately familiar with assembly language programming and wish to learn more about 8051 specifics. Has many example listings, all of which are very well documented in terms of comments and explanations in the text. NOT a book for absolute beginners OR hardware hackers looking for circuits and applications. CHAPTERS 1 - Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. 2 - The 8051 Architecture. 3 - Moving Data. 4 - Logical Operations. 5 - Arithmetic Operations. 6 - Jump and Call Opcodes. 7 - An 8051 Microcontroller Design. 8 - Applications. 9 - Serial Data Communication. A - 8051 Operational Code Mnemonics. B - How to Use the Assembler. C - how to Use the Simulator. D - The 8255 Programmable I/O Port. E - Control Registers. COMMENTS In his preface to the book, Mr Ayala states that that it is intended for "... a diverse audience. It is meant for use primarily by those who work in the area of electronic design and assembly language programming of small, dedicated computers". Later, he goes on to refer the reader to the manufacturer's data books for more information on hardware issues. This sets the tone for the whole book, which is very much software orientated. Anyone buying the book expecting to find reams of circuit diagrams and details on how to build their own 8051 driven, automated car assembly plant will be disappointed. In fact, most of the circuits and applications shown are very much conceptual, with generic, black-box outlines for most of the components. The single exception to this is a fairly complete system (8031, EPROM & RAM, jumper selectable memory sizes) in the chapter on microcontroller design. Even then, there's no I/O shown (the txd/rxd are unconnected). Having said that, Mr Ayala does do a fairly thorough job of working through the peculiarities of the 8051, with detailed coverage of memory organisation, bit/byte level operations, timers, interrupts and, at the end of the book, a complete chapter on 8051 communication modes. Each area has relevant assembly language listings, along with a detailed explanation of the workings of the code. Each section also has highlighted "comment" passages which point out common pitfalls and reinforce critical points. Each chapter ends with a summary of the important points covered and a series of ten to twenty pertinent problems for the reader to solve. For the most part, the answers to the problems can be found in the text. In later chapters though, the reader is asked to elaborate on various programming themes and to write assembly language programs of their own to perform various tasks. The problems range from the bland "Name twenty items which have a built in microcontroller" (Chapter 1), to the more esoteric "Compose a 40-value lookup table that will generate a sawtooth wave using a D/A converter" (Chapter 8). It should be noted that the book is not aimed at the complete novice. For instance, although assembly language listings are used throughout, it is not until Appendix B that the reader finds out what the assembler actually does and how the listings relate to machine code. Even then, the complete neophyte will be left with a rather empty feeling, as there are pages and pages of code, the schematic for a (more or less) complete system and instructions on how to use the assembler, but no information at all on how the object code should be utilised (other than with the included simulator - see below). If you don't already know how to blow an EPROM, you're in trouble. The diskette which accompanies the book contains the PseudoSam assembler (which is used throughout) and an 8051 simulator. Both being intended for use on a PC (it's a measure of how fast the computer industry is evolving that a 5.25 inch diskette seems a little archaic just three years after the publication date of the book). The PseudoSam assembler ran fine on my system and I was able to assemble several of the examples from the book and successfully run them on a small, home-brew 8031 system. I was totally unable to get the simulator to run. However, as it failed on several different systems I'm prepared to believe that my particular copy of the diskette was at fault. SUMMARY All in all, a recommended book for those who have previous assembly language experience and wish to get to know details relating to the 8051 microcontroller. While the internal architecture of the chip is covered in detail, external hardware and peripheral interfacing is not. Only the basic 8051/31 is covered, with little mention of the other variants available. There are extensive listings in the text, covering routines for handling keyboards and displays, as well as timing loops and communications. A large, clear typeface ensures that all of the listings are completely legible. The layout and presentation of the book is excellent, with a consistent, unambiguous style used throughout. Tim McDonough's review of the book: C and the 8051: Programming for Multitasking by Thomas W. Schultz Schultz's book provides a brief overview of the 8051 architecture but is primarily a discussion of multi-tasking software in an 8051 environment. He presents quite a few code examples. The examples and the accompanying text show comparisons of how to accomplish things in assembler, PLM, and C. The C examples presented are based on Version 3 of the Franklin compiler but should be easily understandable by anyone already familiar with C. Later chapters in the book deal with more advanced topics. Chapters are devoted to Real-Time Ideas, Timing and Scheduling, Communications and Synchronization, Interrupts, Priority, and Context, and Distributed Systems. The Real-Time Ideas chapter briefly discusses six Real Time Operating System (RTOS) kernels offered by several vendors. Later in the book some examples are given to simple applications with and without using a RTOS. All in all, a useful addition to my technical library. It is one of the few 8051 books that goes beyond the basics and would be particularly of interest to those contemplating their first non-trivial 8051 design. 5.3) Miscellaneous documentation on the 8051 Advanced Micro Devices - application notes Intel Corporation - application notes L.S. Electronic Systems Design - application notes (source code on diskette and schematics) Philips Semiconductors (Signetics) - application notes Software Science - application notes __________________________________________________________ I disclaim everything. The contents of this article might be totally inaccurate, inappropriate, misguided, or otherwise perverse - except for my name (hopefully I got that right). Copyright (c) 1995 by Russell Hersch, all rights reserved. This FAQ may be posted to any USENET newsgroup, on-line service, or BBS as long as it is posted in its entirety and includes this copyright statement. This FAQ may not be distributed for financial gain. This FAQ may not be included in commercial collections or compilations without express permission from the author. ----------------------------------- Russ Hersch -