WISH SHIP/Frieve-A/SC88Pro/MID ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【  曲 名  】WISH SHIP 【 作曲者名 】Frieve-A (QZT05570@niftyserve.or.jp) (Frieve-A@msn.com) 【 著作権者名 】Frieve-A 【  掲載日  】97/01/18 【 データ形式 】標準Midiファイル(*.MID) Format=1 Timebase=960 【 使用ソフト 】Sequence Studio Lite 1.04 【 対応音源 】SC-88Pro 【 圧縮形式 】LHA 【  転 載  】可(要連絡) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  この曲は、インターネット上のFrieva Page(http://fweb.midi.co.jp/~frievea/) に登録している曲「WISH SHIP」のMIDI版です。  ジャンルは静かでアンビエント的なテクノポップです。なかなか雰囲気が新鮮で 面白いのではないかと思います。  RealAudioの歌入りバージョンはホームページにあります。  Filename : wishship.Lzh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------               WISH SHIP                             作曲編曲:Frieve-A                             作詞  :Frieve-X  Sail the ocean  Please easy life  Walk with sea  Speak with you  Sail the ocean  Put rose on sea  Speak with sea  Sleep with you  Forget the man  Sing a you to sleep  Sail the ocean  Hope lost forever  Please easy life  Singing for you  Wind is riging  Be at the tiller  Leave for heaven  Take it easy  The wind change to the noth  Loose ship  We sailed around the seven sea  I went to as they are if at all  My name is god of seven sea  This trip dosen't to care bout what's right life  The harmany between man and mind and nature  The harmany between man and life and nature  At a glance  The harmany between man and mind and nature  The harmany between nature  The harmany between nature  Come to one self  Recall my mind  Dreamer of dream  Leave me alone  Rose of pain  Blue the sky  Look the sky  Drink the sea  Sleep on the bed  Forget the man  Sing a you to sleep  Stop trip today  Go back reality  Sail the ocean  Please easy life  Forget the you  For to me  Take the ocean  Sail the ocean  The wind change to the noth  Loose ship  We sailed around the seven sea  I went to as they are if at all  My name is god of seven sea  This trip dosen't to care bout what's right life  The harmany between man and mind and nature  The harmany between man and life and nature  At a glance  The harmany between man and mind and nature  The harmany between nature  The harmany between nature  Come to one self ----------------------------------------------------------------------------