Madonna - some MIDI files in General MIDI format. Get yourself a Roland Sound Canvas if you wanna hear 'em good. They are: BORDERLN.MID Borderline DEEPER.MID Deeper and Deeper PLAYGRND.MID This Used to be my Playground VOGUE.MID No, go on guess VOGUE2,3,4.MID Just so many more versions I didn't know which one to choose - so I've posted the lot - you decide. Apologies to all the original sequencees who's names seem to have drifted apart from their files. All these have been edited, tweaked, re-arranged and generally made more palatable for human consumption using an Atari STFM running Cubase v2.0 - what a computer (well, for MIDI anyway) Please attempt to extract some form of enjoyment from these well crafted attempts at musical excellence. If you don't like 'em then blame Madonna - she wrote them (well I think she was _there_ when they were written. Hard to say really) I have been Alexi or to where all abuse should be directed. Farewell for now my MIDI chums. I shall return...... (Queen's Greatest Hits to follow soon. See also JACKO.ZIP knocking around somewhere)