Collection of backing songs for ad-libing Thank you very much to downloading our "Cyber Session #1". This software is shareware. Though it's free to download and try, if you find it is worthy of using continuously, send us the shareware fee and registration form together. We would appreciate your understanding of the following conditions and corporation. This program(MIDI data) and attached document(text data) are copyrighted by SYNTAX Inc. If you wish to record our contents to the other net/CD-ROM and then distribute to a third party, you are prohibited to do so without our permission. Notify us even though they are distributed free or not. This software is available for commercial use (production of music for sale such as CDs or use as educational materials at schools or in classes). However, if your purpose for using this software is commercial, you should receive permission to do so first on us before taking any other action also register with us as a corporation while agreeing to the following conditions: We will not accept responsibility or provide compensation for any damages caused by the existence, usage or uncontrollability of this software. We will not be held responsibilities for any trouble you may have using our software. Please note that the user will be liable for that. Fee:2 ways to pay, as follows: (1) Registration as an individual \1,500 or US$ 15.00 This fee is for use with 1 set of hardware(personal computer and peripheral equipment). If you have more sets of hardware or different set of hardware for platforms, as long as you don't use more than two software at the same time, the fee is for only one set. (2) Registration as a corporation \7,500 or US$75.00 When you use this software as materials at a school or in classes, you may use a maximum 10 sets of hardware at the same time. If you are going to use more than 10, you need to pay us additional fees for each additional 10 sets. If you use any part of this software as part of a commercial production, such as CDs or various attached commercial music, we will need to add some new conditions, so please let us know. Remittance:2 ways as follows: (1) Postal Transfer Send fee to the following account JIRO ACCOUNT NUMBER:00120-4-671453 NAME:SYNTAX Inc. ADDRESS: 101 New Heights Shin-Kagurazaka 3-30, Shin-Ogawa-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162 Japan (2) Transfer to Bank Account Send fee to the following account THE FUJI BANK LTD. IIDABASHI BR. ORDINARY ACCOUNT 1541909 RECEIVER NAME:SYNTAX Inc. ADDRESS: 101 New Heights Shin-Kagurazaka 3-30, Shin-Ogawa-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162 Japan When you send us fee, send information about yourself so that we may send you updated programs or information about new products. In our Internet Home Page, we have prepared a registration form, you can send it to our E-mail address easily, however, the following registration form is also acceptable. Any opinions, comments or requests are welcome; We are happy to receive your E-mail even if it comments on trial works. Name: _________________________________________ Corporate name: _________________________________________ Zip code: _________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________ E-Mail address: _________________________________________ PC Model you use: _________________________________________ OS version of PC: _________________________________________ MIDI sound module you use: _________________________________________ MIDI Software of ours you use:  The collection of guitar cuttings version 1.0  Cyber session #1 version 1.0  Others _________________________________________ Registration:  Remit with a registration form, so let me know the information about the new products.  Trying it now. _________________________________________  Opinions, Comments, Requests _________________________________________ When you practice playing musical instruments alone, do you do it with a metronome, or your favorite musician's CD? Metronomes are dull, and you cannot change a CD's pitch and tempo. The first thing we want to do is to play our own phrase as we like. To meet such needs, we produced Cyber Session #1 which is a collection of backing songs for ad-libing. We are now offering them as shareware but you can expect future development as a cybersession series. In this software, the following 5 songs are recorded as a set. ZEPBLUE.MID FIRESTAR.MID BLACKMON.MID BLDTRUES.MID COOLBLUE.MID If you have a personal computer and GM/GS sound module(or MIDI musical instruments), you can enjoy a session anytime you like. Since we are offering in all SMF file formats 1, you are free to choose them at your convenience. SMF stands for Standard MIDI File, a format usable by anyone. Format 0 is a file which has been saved in a single track form, for ease of play. Format 1 is a file which has been saved in a multi-track form. As this has been saved separately by track, if you have proffesional sequence software(i.e. with multi-track sequencer capability), it is possible to edit them freely by checking the track names and muting them by track. We used a Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 for production and as a basic playback sound module. These 5 songs are capable of being played on GM format except one part*. If you don't have a GM/GS sound module, you are able to play them by adjusting the designated tone in the MIDI sound module, because all songs are composed with orthodox tones such as piano, organ, strings, distortion guitar etc. Since these 5 songs are composed with blues progress and simple chord progress, frequently used in Rock'n Roll or jazz sessions, you can understand in no time and take part in them after listening to them once. Some songs have sample ad-lib solo's or backing. It is possible for you to perform a solo with muting the sample solos or even to perform as backing for one of the solos. *Refer BLACK MOON This software, standard MIDI file in DOS form, has been compressed in ZIP or LHA formats(extension is .lzh), and can be downloaded. After you download the file, decompress it before use. If you are a Macintosh user, after you decompress the file with MacLHA or MacGzip, convert it with either Apple File Exchange or PC Exchange (either of which should be attached to your system), and change the file type to "Midi". Since the file type which has been converted with Apple File Exchange or PC Exchange is "TEXT" or "BINA", it may be not readable with Macintosh sequencer software. The file type for SMF data should be "Midi", so change the file type as follows: (1) Open the "Get File Info" of ResEdit and change the type to "Midi". (2) Change the file type to "Midi" with general type changing utility such as File Typery, File Buddy, or exclusive type changing utility such as MIDI File Converter or Midi It!. In case of (2), we especially recommend Midi It! as the easiest for converted files into the "Midi" format. After you make sure that a file is SMF, you can easily change the file type with Midi It!. When you load SMF data, refer to your hardware sequencer or sequencer software manual you have. ZEPBLUE / File Name ZEPBLUE.MID -------------------------------------- TEMPO/124 8BEAT KEY/A Chord progress/Blues for A7 -------------------------------------- MIDI CH & TRACK SHEET 01CH / E PIANO SOLO 02CH / ORGAN SOLO 03CH / CLAVINET 04CH / E BASS 05CH / ALTO SAX SOLO 06CH / ROCK GUITAR SOLO 07CH / DIST GUITAR L 08CH / OD GUITAR R 09CH / BRASS 10CH / DRUMS&PERCUSSION 11CH / CUTTING GUITAR R 12CH / BRIGHT SYN RANDAM PAN Progress chart 1@ / SET UP 2` 9 / INTRO 10` 21 / THEME 22` 45 / ORGAN SOLO 46` 69 / E PIANO SOLO 70` 93 / CLAVINET SOLO 94`105 / A SAX SOLO 105`117 / E GUITAR SOLO 118`141 / USER'S SPACE 142`166 / THEME ` ENDING Note:There are many ad-libs as demos. Mute these tracks to suit your purpose. FIRE STAR / File Name FIRESTAR.MID -------------------------------------- TEMPO/188 8BEAT KEY/Am Chord progress/Am*12/F/-/G/-/ -------------------------------------- MIDI CH & TRACK SHEET 01CH / E BASS 02CH / LEAD SYN SOLO 03CH / ROCK GUITAR SOLO 04CH / STRINGS L 05CH / STRINGS R 06CH / DIST GUITAR 07CH / ROCK ORGAN 10CH / ROCK DRUMS Progress chart 1` / SET UP 2` / E GUITAR IN 6` / BASS IN 10` / ORGAN IN 14` / DRUMS IN 22` / STRINGS IN 30` 61 / USER'S SPACE 62` 76 / THEME 77` 93 / SYN SOLO 94`109 / ROCK GUITAR SOLO 110`127 / BASS SOLO 126`157 / USER'S SPACE 158`191 / THEME ` ENDING BLACK MOON / FileName BLACKMON.MID -------------------------------------- TEMPO/126 Latin Rock'n Roll KEY/Dm Chord Progress/Dm/-/Am/-/Dm/-/Gm/-/Dm/Am/Dm/Am/ Note:We are using bank select No.8 for Guitar solo. -------------------------------------- MIDI CH & TRACK SHEET 01CH / E BASS 02CH / LONG TONE & FEED BACK GUITAR SOLO 03CH / ROCK ORGAN SOLO 04CH / E PIANO 05CH / ORGAN 06CH / CLEAN E GUITAR 07CH / MUTE GUITAR 08CH / OD GUITAR BACKING 10CH / DRUMS & PERCUSSION Progress chart 1 / SET UP 2` 5 / PERCUSSION 6` 29 / E GUITAR SOLO 30` 77 / DRUMS IN & USER'S SPACE 78`101 / ORGAN SOLO 102`125 / USER'S SPACE 126`133 / ENDING ` FADE OUT BLOOD TRUES / FileName BLDTRUES.MID -------------------------------------- TEMPO/98 16BEAT KEY/Em Chord progress/Em*8/C#7/G#7/C#7/D#7/ -------------------------------------- MIDI CH & TRACK SHEET 01CH / E BASS 02CH / OD GUITAR 03CH / DIST GUITAR 04CH / CLAVINET 05CH / ORGAN 06CH / ROCK GUITAR SOLO 07CH / ROCK GUITAR SOLO SUB 08CH / LEAD SYN SOLO 10CH / DRUMS Progress chart 1 / SET UP 2` / E GUITAR IN 4` / BASS IN 6` / CLAVINET IN `17 / THEME 18` 53 / USER'S SPACE 54` 65 / ROCK GUITAR SOLO 66` 77 / SYN SOLO 78`101 / USER'S SPACE 102`105 / ENDING COOL BLUE / FileName COOLBLUE.MID -------------------------------------- TEMPO/128 4BEAT KEY/B flat Chord progress/Blues for B flat -------------------------------------- MIDI CH & TRACK SHEET 01CH / TRUMPET 02CH / ACC BASS 03CH / TENOR SAX 04CH / A PIANO 05CH / JAZZ ORGAN 10CH / DRUMS Progress chart 1 / SET UP 2 / COUNT 4` 27 / THEME 28` 51 / ORGAN SOLO 52` 63 / TRUMPET SOLO 64` 73 / TENOR SAX SOLO 74` 99 / A PIANO SOLO 100`126 / THEME ` ENDING Note:There are many ad-libs as demos. Mute these tracks to suit your purpose. Cyber session is offering its own original songs, however, the atmosphere of hit songs from all over the world are included. Since we have included the essence of many standard numbers, you will be soon feel familiar with them. They may even cause some of you to look back on some nostalgia old memories. We hope your skill will be refined. In addition to your opinions, if you have a request such as you want a certain kind of MIDI software, please don't hesitate to ask us, THANK YOU. May, 1996 Produced by: Kazumo Mitsui Software Division SYNTAX Inc. E-Mail: SYNTAX Inc. 101 New Heights Shin-Kagurazaka 3-30, Shin-Ogawa-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162 Japan TEL 81(3)5229-4170 FAX 81(3)5229-7264